Earth Friendly Life Hacks

Who else loves saving money and the environment?

Reducing our footprint doesn’t need to be as grand as most influencers make it out to be. It can simply mean reusing “single-use” items to get more than the one intended use out of it. This list is compiled with everyday households in mind and is not only good for the planet, but your wallet as well! Consumerism runs on supply and demand. If enough people stop buying something, like tiny plastic trash bags, they will stop making them. It’s easier said than done and, yes, takes more than one person to truly make a difference. That’s why part of saving the environment is spreading the word!

 Reducing your footprint needs to be realistic in your household.

Refuse single use items when you can. Reuse single use items when you can. Allow healthy habits to fit into your schedule and lifestyle. There will be days easier than others and that’s okay! Saving the planet is not an all or nothing. Every bit helps. You are making an impact. We can collectively stop the production of plastic and other single use items by using what we have and making healthier replaceable choices.

Click on the items below before you dispose

Plastic Bags

Protect items while traveling

  • Wrap up small/ fragile souvenirs before placing them in a suitcase
  • Wrap shoes in bag to keep the nasty bottoms from touching your clothes
  • Inside a pool/ beach bag- keep wet and dry clothes separate from each other
  • Wrap around bottles of lotions, soaps, and toothpaste in case they explode
  • Dirty laundry bag
  • Car trash bags that can be removed regularly at rest stops


  • Replacement for small wastebasket bag- Save your money! Environmentally friendly is the best aesthetic for any room.
  • Organizing- The handles allow you to sling a few on your arm as you collect small items, toys, and trash while moving room to room.
  • Decluttering- Set a few bags up of different colors (Donating/ selling/ throwing away) and get rid of the extra junk in your house.

Art Projects

  • Crocheting- Turn your plastic bags into a work of art such as a blanket, mat, or tote bag.

Bread Tags

Household/ Traveling

  • Wire Label- All wires look the same!! Distinguish it each one with their very own name tag. Think twice about using fancy tapes and other labels as they are single use and will leave a sticky residue on the wire. As soon as your wire dies, just slide the tag off and onto the new one. Be lazy; there’s no need to make a new one. (Pro tip- once you have your wires nicely labeled, keep them organized and at the ready with our Large Travel Organizer)
  • Tape holder- Never lose the end of the tape again! Stick one of these at the end to not only keep the tape from sticking to itself, but become an easy pull tab.

Tissue Boxes

Household/ Traveling

  • Store plastic bags in an accessible, tissue-like fashion
  • Packing- Keep small items together when packing in a larger box

 Art/ Science Projects

  • Homemade Paper- Crush up the paper in water and upcycle it into paper
  • Scrapbooking- Some box designs are just too cute to through away. Instead, use the images in a texture picture, junk journal, or other means of scrapbooking.
  • Balloon Race Car- Attach wheels and a balloon to see how far and fast your car goes!
  • Shadow Box- Cut the top off, turn the box on its side and make a mini display

Plasticware/ Paper Plates/ Straws/ Cups/ Napkins

Plasticware is usually overlooked in the “second purpose” department. However, since working with kids, I know that so many forks, knives, spoons, cups and more go to waste than necessary. When unused utensils fall on the floor, they immediately become unsanitary. Instead of throwing them out, save them for art projects and play! Kids love using knives and forks to manipulate play dough.  Spoons are used to mix paint and other mediums. Cups can hold pompoms, paint, paint brushes and so much more. Napkins can wipe up small messes instead of reaching for paper towels.